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Thought I should send my thanks for supplying a really good quality product. I have only just got around to building the metal shed after having it in storage for the past two months.
The unit went together really well. The majority of issues were attributed to misunderstanding the instructions or fitting more screws that actually asked for, only to have to remove them later to fit another part.
So, if I was to criticise and I feel since I've spent the last two days building....
Instructions would benefit from enlarged diagrams, some text describing what is really important and identification of what new parts are required for each stage (I spent some time wondering which idents were new and which related to existing, already assembled parts).
I suggest the total time should be stated as 8-10 hours for two people. If this is the first time you have done this, there is no way 5 hours is anywhere near correct since much time is spent attempting to understand the instructions.
Wearing gloves is fine and the sharp edges have cut me several times, but I afraid you cannot pick up the small bolts and nuts with anything except bare fingers.
I deliberately left everything finger tight until the roof was on. Then propped the centre span with a piece of wood slightly higher than I required until all the fixings were tight. Good advice for self assemblers, only one pair of hands is required for this stage.
I also spent some time rebuilding parts I had built in mirror image. I realise this is my lack of understanding, but also the instructions could be more clear.
Overall though, it is excellent. A great product. I have recommended this to a colleague of mine. Let's see if he pursues a purchase with yourselves.
Thanks once again, I have a shed...and no repaintingmyear after year.
Colin, Crewe, Cheshire, CW2, 11x14 Metal Shed 378, 16th August 2017