Information about how we use your Postcode

Not your postcode?
Setting the first half of your postcode shows you the full choice in your area.
In a moment you may be asked to share your location. Please allow this so that we can show you the full choice in your area (inclusive of delivery charges). You may also set your location manually using the button above.

Click this messge to hide it.

For your convenience this website has been programmed with the choice of buildings available in each postcode district throughout the United Kingdom. If we know the first half of your UK postcode - e.g. NW10 or CV13 - all of the buildings available in your local area will be displayed at the correct price. We do not need to know exactly where you live, just your local area.

The correct buildings and prices are only displayed after we know your local area. After entering the first half of your postcode browsing is quicker and easier because you only see information which is relevant to your location. Ordering is also quicker and easier because the correct prices are calculated for you automatically. Above all you have more choice including many buildings and special offers which are only available regionally. If you tell us your local area we'll make sure you don't miss out!

For non-UK customers we are gradually upgrading this site to cater for you.

For more information about UK Postcodes in general then please see this Wikipedia entry.

How we use Computer 'Cookies' to store your postcode

Cookies are small files that your web browser uses to store information on your computer. We respect your privacy so this web site only uses cookies to identify just three things:

  1. Either the first part of your postcode (UK customers only) or your post/zip code location (all other countries) so that we can customise the information specific to your location.
  2. To link you to your personal shopping basket while you are buying.

Additionally, when entering your postcode, you have the choice as to whether or not the single cookie used in 1 and 2 above is 'remembered' after you close down your web browser (for your safety and security the one used for item 2 is never remembered).

Click here for some more information about cookies.

Cookie settings for various web browsers

The way you manage cookies is different on each browser and operating system and, every so often, will change. Please use a web search to determine how your own particular browser does this.

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