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Thermally modified timber

Lifetime preservative treatment

Thermally modified timber

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All of the timber framing will be supplied thermally modified. This is a lifetime preservative treatment. Thermally modified timber is a beautiful natural material with a projected service life of 30 years or longer. Only heat and steam are used in the treatment process and no chemicals are added. The timber is gradually heated to a high temperature which permanently changes the physical properties of the wood. The resistance to decay and stability of the wood are significantly improved as are the insulation properties. The moisture content is reduced and resin is removed so it cannot seep out of the wood. The process was developed in Finland but it is based on ancient knowledge. For example, the Vikings knew that fencing poles with a burnt surface were more durable. A wood oil preservative is applied before leaving the factory. The finished colour of the wood is an attractive brown which can be painted or stained just like any other wood. If the wood is left untreated it will fade over time to a silver grey colour in the same way as other timber.

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