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Galvanized steel base kits

Galvanized steel base to suit a mortar screed

Galvanized steel base kits

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Our heavy duty galvanized steel base kits make building a solid concrete floor easier. This is a popular option if there is no suitable area of existing concrete, paving or decking. The steel base kit can be laid directly onto any flat surface including compacted soil, paving or concrete. The steel frame is easy to assemble and the correct size to suit the shed. The layout of the steel beams divides the floor into small sections which makes laying the mortar screed easier if you are inexperienced. Each section is filled with mortar and levelled with a piece of wood stretched across the surrounding steel beams. The foundation rails include an internal lip buried under the mortar screed, which ensures that the shed is anchored down by the screed. Everything you need is included except the mortar, which is not expensive and widely available from DIY stores. The easiest way to make a screed is using pre-mixed mortar. You just add water and stir before use. Alternatively, it may be cheaper to buy the sand and cement separately and mix the mortar with 1 part cement to 4 parts sand. Based on the internal area of your shed you will need around 40-50kg of mortar per square metre. The steel frame can also be used to support a timber floor with either tongued and grooved boards or man made boards such as plywood.

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